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About us

Dekartezyen Statistics, founded by Kadir YILMAZ, has statistically analyzed numerous international articles, master's and doctoral theses, scientific research projects, field studies and political researches' research design, data collection and statistical analysis since 2005. It carries out all its activities within the framework of well-established universities in the world, ISI Web of Science and COPE code of ethics and ethical rules. 


Dekartezten Statistics has also been giving lectures, training and seminars in many public and private institutions, especially in Education and Research hospitals since 2005. 

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Decartesian Statistics, working with statistics experts with master's and doctorate degrees; He received thanks for his statistical contributions in well-established SCI, SSCI, SCIE, ESCI journals of countries such as Italy and Switzerland. 


For us, the value of scientific ethics and work comes above all customer satisfaction or commercial concerns. Our main priority is to examine the data collected in the field, each of which is worth a treasure, in the most effective, successful and scientific way. 


Decartesian literally means following the path of Rene Descartes and adopting his methods. Therefore, statistics and analysis for us are actually the manifestation of a scientific love. 


Decartesian Statistics, which evaluates field and academic studies together and handles it pragmatically, promises to evaluate your data in the most accurate and successful way. 



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